The Two Worst 2022 Interior Design Trends

Happy new year! I hope that you were able to spend your holidays enjoyably, surrounded by the people and things you love. Seattle had a particularly chilly holiday season, with plenty of snow to keep us indoors. A blessing in disguise, really, with the Omicron variant running rampant. Who would have thought that, nearly 2 […]

Where to Shop for Last-Minute Gifts in Seattle

Procrastination and supply chain issues got you down? Don’t even know where to begin your Christmas shopping?  Don’t fret! Below is a list of five of my favorite homeware and sundry boutiques in Seattle to shop in person and immediately buy the perfect gift. No shipping required!  1.) Watson Kennedy Fine Home  1022 1st Ave, […]

Don’t Furnish Your Finished Basement Until You Read This!

The past month here in Seattle has been like Guns ‘N’ Roses on repeat: lots of November rain. With a La Niña event this year, we can expect lots more of it, too! Of course, Seattle is known for its abundant precipitation. You know what else it has in abundance? Basements. In our densifying city […]

Pillow Talk: Hameau de la Reine

   Historian Arnold Toynbee once lamented the tendency of select colleagues to view “life [as] just one damned thing after another”—a chronological parade of facts with no discernible themes or general movements. On one hand, it is tempting to exercise extreme caution by taking an objective approach and sticking to “just the facts,” eschewing interpretation for […]